mBIT Coaching
mBIT, or mBraining is a combination of neuroscience research findings (HeartMath Institute) and behavioral modeling research (Neurolinguistic Programming, or NLP). I was first introduced to this relatively new coaching modality in 2019. mBIT stands for Multiple Brain Integration Techniques, and is very effective in creating congruence between the head brain, the heart brain, and the gut brain. Of all my studies and explorations into different teachings over the years, mBIT is proving to be an amazingly simple yet profound tool.
I love to support my clients in being able to gather their own tools on their path of healing and awakening. I am finding mBIT to be a highly accessible tool that you can utilized since these brains are already communicating without our direct influence over them!
One of the premises is to begin with balanced breathing. What this does is tone the vagus nerve, which is responsible for parasympathetic, or rest and digest, regulation within the autonomic nervous system.
To me, after 15 years of practicing craniosacral therapy, and working directly with the vagus nerve, I get excited about the implications of mBIT, in supporting the healing many of the pathologies related with the vagus nerve. They are numerous, and we are learning more and more about the vagus nerve these days.
The mBIT process itself is similar to any coaching session, but the result is a clearer greater conscious awareness of how we are accessing and using our internal guidance system.
Do you ever find yourself suffering from conflict between your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and as a result experience difficulty making decisions and don’t know why?
Or do you find yourself “knowing” or hearing a voice that tells you to do one thing, and yet you don’t follow that voice, or override a deeper knowing?
mBIT coaching offers a way to create a deeper alignment between these centers, in turn creating a deeper balance in your nervous system.
Here are just some of the benefits of mBraining:
Deeper trust in your gut instincts
Truly knowing yourself
Courage to take new paths
More connection and compassion with others
Greater access to creativity
Feelings of peace, vitality, awakening, inspiration
Greater conscious awareness of your navigation of Life
Embodied balance
“Thank you for introducing me to the power of mBIT! It’s becoming an important addition to my self-care toolkit – extending my Yoga and other movement practices in surprising ways!
The mBIT inquiry itself was enlightening – you are such a patient and attentive listener and always offer insightful feedback and challenge – but the mBIT practice itself has given me greater coherence. With deeper awareness of the internal dialogue among my physical intelligence centers (head, heart and gut) I’ve gained greater coherence and confidence in my decision making. I can now recognize when my thinking is dominated by one over the others and I can bring them into balance so easily! That coherence has proven valuable in charting important personal decisions and has begun to bring greater harmony to both personal and professional relationships. The funny thing is that mBIT has also relieved a nagging physical issue (a bothersome neuroma in my foot). Chiropractic and acupuncture treatments with the best practitioners I know offered temporary relief, but mBIT practice is proving to be durable – you’ve allowed me to unlock the inherent self-healing power in my body. Thank you so much!!!
“I was amazed at how the techniques you used allowed me to connect with deeper issues around my relationship with my father and how I defined my role/identity as a father with Josh. I was able to have a deeper understanding that I was in a codependent relationship, operating primarily from my heart brain with a great deal of fear, my sympathetic nervous system was definitely on overdrive flooding my system with Cortisol and restricting access to the creative energy of my head brain without any awareness that my gut brain was trying to get my attention all along. Being able to access all three brains using the techniques to shift the energy between these brain centers allowed me to access the wisdom needed to make this shift. Brilliant!!”